Comments on Persevering in Prayer

Nancy lupton
October 2, 2016 at 3:52 PM
I still feel convinced that God is going to exhaust every human effort to prove your healing was nothing but God’s miraculous hand alone. Julia, in addition to Eph.3:20 I am going to pray that God will shorten the journey from here to full recovery! And when He does, I think you will be called to full time ministry, because we all need you to continue to use your gift! You are an amazing communicator who I believe God is going to partner with to accomplish His purposes here. I love you sweetie! God does not live at the mercy of statistics and nor should we. So keep shining, we are all praying for you!!

Kristen Clark
October 2, 2016 at 5:18 PM
My dear friend Julia,

Also known to me for many years by Ju! 🙂 you are the strongest most beautiful woman I know. I cannot begin to comprehend why this has occurred and I cannot begin to understand what you are feeling. I have read each of your posts and tear up every time. I do not understand why this has happened to such a beautiful soul. I myself have never been a person who relied on faith to understand life’s struggles but, It seems this disease has tested your faith in so many ways struggling to comprehend why God has tested you this way. I wish I could give you all of the strength I have to help you keep fighting and remaining strong although I can only imagine how much of a struggle that can also be. 

I’m sending my thoughts and prayers 

Much love
Little Kristen <3

October 2, 2016 at 7:14 PM
Your continued strength and patience is inspiring to see – thank you for sharing your story. I join in with the hundreds of others wishing you relief and recovery. 

Marc Jenkinson

Grace Millard
October 2, 2016 at 7:53 PM know the Saviour and He said in Revelation 22:20 “SURELY I COME QUICKLY. Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen” ” It will be worth it all when we see Christ” comes to mind. May souls who read your testimony turn to Him for Salvation before it is too late.

Heather and Brian Whitley
October 2, 2016 at 9:11 PM
Once again you were prayed for aloud in our church this morning. Aunt Libby prayed for you, referring to you as “Dear Julia.” She didn’t know the results of your latest CAT scan but she was confident that God knew so she just asked God to wrap His arms of comfort around you. We send much love and prayers from St. Joseph Island. Thank you for your vulnerability and honesty and steadfast trust in God. You and Andy are beautiful treasures.

October 2, 2016 at 11:09 PM
Thank you so much for sharing we will continue to pray for you. I especially love your quote from C.S. Lewis. It reminded me of the story of his wife Joy and her journey with cancer and how she was told she only had less than a couple months to live. They desired to ask God for healing for her and together with several others a pastor prayed over her for healing and anointed her with oil. She spent the next 3 years in remission. Praying for healing for you.

Nick Dion
October 2, 2016 at 11:16 PM
Julia, these are tough lessons to learn however much easier on this side of things. I am convinced that you are God’s leading soldier. You are leading the charge. The amount of hearts that you’ve stirred in one year is such a substantial victory for his kingdom. Your fearless response to the next challenge is what God wants. He knows your strengths and is continuing to call you along the path. Keep your eyes on him. He has brought you this far and will never forsake you. This world, this pain ridden world has been blessed to experience your side of the story. The side of the story where pain does not win. Keep leading us on your walk. We know you are not looking back, but we are all following closely and learning.

Nick D.

Wendy Dodds Hayhoe
October 3, 2016 at 6:04 AM
Julia – thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. The search for the truth of and journey in persevering prayer has been a shared one over these past few months and your words that it is such a vulnerable place struck a resounding chord in my heart. As I pray for healing for our son Kyle, invariably God brings you and Andy to mind with the reminder to intercede for you too. Thankful for the privilege and gift of prayer. And thankful for your gift of expressing thoughts so well with written word!! Joining you in prayer.
Wendy Hayhoe

October 3, 2016 at 7:17 AM
Julia, you’ll likely not remember me. I am a teacher at Trinity Christian School but never taught you or just sibs. You were however, a Reading Buddy to our daughter Lauren when she was in Gr2 with Mrs. Berends (Miss Cnossen then) and so we have a photo of you in her school album. I was directed to your blog after seeing your interview with 100 Huntley Street. What a journey you’ve been traveling. Your testimony and tenacious faith amid the struggle is a huge encouragement and inspiration. May God continue to show His unfailing love and care as you process this latest news, pray for healing from our all-powerful God, and rest in His abiding presence as His plans are fulfilled in – and through – you. I join you in prayer as a sister-in-Christ. In love, Jacquie DeRaaf

October 3, 2016 at 9:15 AM
It’s so hard to read this without “why Lord?” yelling in my ears.. Your Faith and “vulnerability” are so challenging. The feelings of vulnerability when asking for physical healing are indescribable…. … Thank you so much for sharing. Praying for you! When one member of the body suffers…

October 3, 2016 at 8:47 PM
Julia,Julia,wow sooo powerful. Love you Girl.

Your second father.


Sandy Pomeroy
October 3, 2016 at 11:52 PM
Julia. I share in your disappointment of the devestasting news. You and your family are in my prayers everyday. I pray God will answer our prayers with a miracle. I pray he will continue to give you strength both physically and spiritually. You are an amazing person and I continue to be in awe of you.

Lisa Hains
October 8, 2016 at 12:40 AM
Dearest Julia..
…a friend of one of your family members passed this link on to me, after we discussed the beauty of God’s powerful care in our lives–it reminded her of your story, and she thought I’d want to read this. She was so right! We can totally relate to where you are–and embrace your heart–over-flowing with praise for the God Who holds us at all times!! We too have sat in those very same rooms at Juravinski, awaiting test results..and our news, following a lung cancer diagnosis, was also that a brain tumor was discovered….life is tough certainly…satan is full of cruelty…but God is far greater…and so full of love and power and grace!! A spirit clinging to the Father is stronger than any warrior! Our God will not disappoint! He has given us many gifts….hope, peace, joy and love, to name a few! And He has made our bodies amazingly capable of fighting cancer! Please, please contact us if you want to talk about some of the wonderful things we are doing to help fight the cancer and brain tumor–our doctors, too are amazed–and God is glorified! There’s so much reason to hope!

Wendy Myers
October 15, 2016 at 11:57 AM
Will continue to pray. xo